Report Summary
This Corporate Strategy sets out the role and responsibilities of the Scottish Police Authority, the five outcomes we seek to achieve and the high-level activities designed to achieve them. It aligns to the Scottish Government’s Strategic Police Priorities, and should be read alongside the Strategic Police Plan and the Forensic Services Strategy, which relate to the delivery of the police and forensic services that the Authority is responsible for.
This Corporate Strategy is underpinned by a more detailed Implementation Plan for the period.
The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023
Date : 23 March 2023
Location : COSLA, Edinburgh
The SPA's Executive Team
The Board is supported to carry out its functions and responsibilities by a team of staff, who act in a range of capacities and support the delivery of the Authority’s functions, responsibilities and duties as set out in this Corporate Strategy.
The Authority’s staff team is led by a Chief Executive who is the principal advisor to the Board. As Accountable Officer the Chief Executive also has a personal accountability to Parliament for the way in which the Authority is being run, and how financial resources across the Authority and Police Scotland are being managed.