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Published: 28 April 2023

SPA Corporate Strategy 2023-2026

Report Summary

This Corporate Strategy sets out the role and responsibilities of the Scottish Police Authority, the five outcomes we seek to achieve and the high-level activities designed to achieve them. It aligns to the Scottish Government’s Strategic Police Priorities, and should be read alongside the Strategic Police Plan and the Forensic Services Strategy, which relate to the delivery of the police and forensic services that the Authority is responsible for.

This Corporate Strategy is underpinned by a more detailed Implementation Plan for the period.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023

Date : 23 March 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

About the Authority

The Authority’s Purpose And Responsibilities

The Authority consists of a Board of up to 15 members, including a Chair, who are selected through an impartial public appointments process and appointed by Scottish Ministers. The Board is supported by a team of staff who provide advice and support.

The scale of the Authority’s role is significant, including responsibility for securing best value in relation to its annual budget of over £1.2 billion. The Authority is responsible for the scrutiny of our national police service, delivered by Police Officers and staff. The Authority has a crucial role in enforcing and upholding fundamental human rights. The Authority also delivers forensic services to partners in the wider criminal justice system.

Through our Board and Committee meetings, a series of checks and balances is used to ensure that major decisions about the policing of Scotland are made transparently and appropriately, to help build and maintain public trust and confidence in policing.

Details of the Authority’s Board and Committee Meetings can be found on the Authority’s website.

Best Value

The Authority and the Chief Constable each have an overarching duty to achieve Best Value, which means securing continuous improvement in the performance of each organisation. Each organisation must make arrangements to secure continuous improvement whilst maintaining an appropriate balance between quality and cost. In making those arrangements and securing that balance each organisation should pay attention to economy, efficiency, effectiveness, equalities, and the achievement of sustainable development.

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