Report Summary
This report summarises the performance of the Scottish Police Authority's corporate function for the third quarter (October to December) of the 2024-25 reporting period.
The report excludes performance information for Forensic Services which is reported to the Authority's Forensic Services Committee.
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Corporate Strategy delivery
Delivery in Quarter Three (actual versus planned)
77 per cent was delivered. 23 percent was re-profiled.
Comprehensive review of Corporate Governance Framework delivered ahead of schedule and presented to the Board for approval.
Focus Groups were undertaken to gain qualitative insights into why confidence in policing is lower among some demographic subgroups, and why confidence in the police has fallen among people who were previously confident. Findings were reported to the Policing Performance Committee in September 2024.
Continued refinement of the oversight of change portfolio. Resources Committee now receive a new and enhanced Change Portfolio Report, and Change Requests are now presented to the Committee as well as End Project Reports. Further refinements will be made as part of continuous improvement activity in 2025-26.
Lead on staff pay negotiations 24-25. Negotiations have now concluded, and an offer accepted.
Scheduled and led committee induction, in conjunction with Committee Chairs, for new Board and Committee members.
Re-profiled work
Review and update of public briefings on Children in Custody and Children and Young People's Contact with Police – re-profiled to Q4 24-25.
Deliver a regular e-bulletin highlighting the Authority’s work for stakeholders and the public – re-profiled to 2025-26 due to External Relations resourcing pressures.
Develop policy on social media use for Authority staff - re-profiled to 2025-26 due to External Relations resourcing pressures.
Development of engagement strategy - re-profiled to Q4 24-25 due to External Relations resourcing pressures.
Work with Police Scotland's Graphics team to update the Authority's corporate branding in line with accessibility requirements; update branding guidelines and associated templates – re-profiled to Q4 24-25 when roll out is anticipated.
23 per cent of planned work was re-profiled, reflecting revised timescales/output for these areas of work.
Of this work, 14 per cent is expected to be delivered in-year. The Annual Delivery Plan and underlying team plans have been updated to reflect re-profiled work and revised timescales. This will be monitored through team plans and corporate reporting to ELT.
9 per cent has been carried over to 2025-26 and will be considered as part of service planning work underway.
11 per cent of work due in quarter 4 completed ahead of schedule during quarter three.
Nil quarter three milestones were closed, i.e. no longer required, superseded or not business critical.
Two milestones were added following a Best Value deep dive into performance. Both are planned to complete in-year.
Forward look to Q4 - work which may need to be re-profiled
Refresh the Public Confidence briefing to take account of updated public polling, deep-dive analysis, focus group findings, new SCJS, and learning from the Community Confidence Action Research Project – re-profiled to 2025-26 awaiting publication of the SCJS findings.
Ensure copyright permission for image use; co-ordinate checks for application and annual review of Style Guide; Accessibility and Plain English Guidance – re-profiled to 2025-26 due to External Relations resourcing pressures.
Implement 4Risk – re-profiled to 25-26 due to Police Scotland re-tender for a risk management system. SPA will review implementing when a new contract is in place.
Progress review of operation of Diversity Staff Associations to maximise effectiveness and impact – re-profiled to 2025-26 as additional issues identified.
Identify critical roles where single person dependencies and develop succession plans (including but not limited to critical roles) – re-profiled to 2025-26 due to resourcing pressures.
Deliver Information Management roadshows across Forensic Services – re-profiled to conclude in 2025-26 due to resourcing and re-prioritisation.
Review of SPA complaints policy & procedure – may need to be re-profiled to 2025-26 due to resourcing pressures.