Report Summary
This report summarises the performance of the Scottish Police Authority's corporate function for the third quarter (October to December) of the 2024-25 reporting period.
The report excludes performance information for Forensic Services which is reported to the Authority's Forensic Services Committee.
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Corporate Strategy Delivery
Delivery – Delivered 77 per cent against planned activity in quarter three.
23 per cent of planned work in the quarter was re-profiled, reflecting revised timescales/output for these areas of work. 14 per cent of this re-profiled work is expected to be delivered in-year. 9 per cent has been carried over to 2025-26 and will be considered as part of service planning work underway.
The Forward Look summarises where monitoring has identified work planned in quarter four which may need to be re-profiled. Again, this will be considered as part of 2025-26 service planning work underway.
Monitoring shows that 11 per cent work due in quarter 4 was completed ahead of schedule during quarter 3.
Staff FTE – Actual equals 45.82 (Q2 was 44.80). Overall staff numbers continue to remain lower than budgeted level of 52 FTE.
Mandatory training – A focus for Q4 will be on the completion of mandatory training, information provided during Induction will be clarified to ensure all new starts complete their mandatory training within specified timeframes.
Absence – Both long term and short-term absence had increased by the end of Q3. All historic Return to Work (RTW) conversations were completed during Q3 – future reporting will show number of weeks outstanding for RTW.
Audit – One Internal Audit plus two HMICS recommendations closed.
Risk – No change from quarter two. All corporate risks within appetite / tolerance.
FOI requests received was 31, up 7 from previous quarter. This included 3 reviews – one decision was upheld, one was partially upheld, and one is still in progress. 100 per cent compliance with 20-day response timeline.
SAR requests received was 57 (up 9 from previous). This included 53 requests from officers retiring. 98 per cent compliance with 1-month response timeline.
Security Incidents recorded was 6 (down 5 from previous). Nil incidents related to SPA Corporate. Nil reporting to ICO required.
Complaints – continued positive trend with no SPA Corporate related complaints received during Q3.
Media Enquiries – reduced to 19 (down 5 on previous). 100 per cent were answered within the requested timeframe.
ICVS – 35 per cent of detainees available at time of visits seen, consistent with previous quarters. Detainee concerns =301 (down 2 on previous). 92 per cent of concerns were resolved at the time of visit (up 15 per cent on previous) – four of the top five types of concern remain unchanged, medical was replaced by food and drink.
Governance Support – 100 per cent of SPA Corporate papers, for public items, were published on time, as per the previous three quarters. Papers submitted on time increased to 71 per cent, from 50 per cent in quarters one and two. Papers circulated on time increased to 86 per cent, from 79 per cent in quarter two.
Forensic Services and Police Scotland figures are provided for comparison.