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Published: 24 January 2023

SPA Corporate Parenting Plan - 7 December 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the SPA Corporate Parenting Plan.  


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 7 December 2022

Date : 07 December 2022

Location : online

Corporate Parenting Plan

The SPA has a dual responsibility with regards to its role as a Corporate Parent. This involves overseeing Police Scotland’s role as a Corporate Parent whilst also fulfilling the SPA’s own Corporate Parent responsibilities.

The plan implements a “LOOK, LEARN, LISTEN, REVIEW” approach. This provides opportunity for the SPA to continually improve, while actively engaging with the care experienced community to build relationships.

LOOK – Keep under review Police Scotland’s approach to ensure that they support the Care Experienced community, and that Corporate Parenting responsibilities are delivered in relation to our other statutory functions.

LISTEN – Ensure that those who are care experienced have their voice heard in matters relating to policing and have access to opportunities to facilitate this.

LEARN – Make sure that all of our staff understand our responsibilities as a Corporate Parent.

REVIEW – Make sure we continue to do our best for children, young people and the care experienced community.

Delivery of the Corporate Parenting Plan is overseen by the SPA’s internal ‘Impact Assessment Working Group’. This group has representation from several teams, including Strategy and Performance, Strategic Business Management and Workforce Governance and is chaired by the Head of Change and Operational Scrutiny.

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