Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Authority’s actions as a Corporate Parent and also provides an update on the Authority’s Corporate Parenting Plan for the 2024-27 period, providing a summary of the engagement involved in its creation and approval.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Policing Performance Committee - 10 December 2024
Date : 10 December 2024
Location : online
Implementation Within the Authority
Prior to submission to the Senior Leadership Team for approval, the plan was socialised with the Leads and Heads of Service across the organisation. This process embedded an awareness and understanding of the plan across the organisation and allowed for the development of meaningful and achievable actions representative of all teams.
Following from the approval of the plan, the Authority plans to host training from Each and Every Child to further support colleagues’ understanding of Corporate Parenting. The Authority also plans for training of the SPA Forensic Services Senior Management Team provided by Who Cares? Scotland.
The delivery and implementation of the plan will be overseen by the Equality and Duties Working Group in the Authority. This group has representation from across the Authority’s Corporate Team and SPA Forensic Services. In addition, the implementation of a Corporate Parenting Champions Network, as noted in the plan, will embed the plan and its commitments across the Authority.