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Published: 19 April 2023

SPA Complaints & Conduct Committee Annual Report - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of SPA Complaints & Conduct Committee Annual Report.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Further Detail

The Complaints & Conduct Committee Annual Report (Appendix A), covering the period 2021-22, is the second such annual report published by the Authority.

The report serves to highlight trends in respect of complaints received during 2021-22, performance in respect of complaints handling and provide assurance in respect of Authority scrutiny in this important area, recognising its key link to public confidence in policing in Scotland.

In line with the Dame Elish Review recommendations, the Report is focussed specifically on ‘complaints’.

The report is introduced with a foreword by the Committee Chair. This section sets out the assessment of the Committee, in line with Recommendation 59 (above), as follows (and as also recorded in the SPA Annual Report & Accounts for the period):

An initial joint audit by SPA and the PIRC is yet to report its findings at the time of writing. Additionally, there is ongoing engagement with Police Scotland in respect of the developing content of Committee assurance reports. As such, it is expected that the Authority will be able to provide a more informed assessment as to the suitability of Police Scotland complaints handling arrangements next year. Nevertheless, there is clear evidence of progress during 2021-22.

The report outlines the functions of the Authority, Police Scotland and the PIRC in respect of complaints, as defined in legislation, before describing the role of the Committee in this regard as per the SPA Corporate Governance Framework.

It sets out Committee membership (during 2021-22, and current), before summarising key areas of business considered during the period, covering:

Complaints Handling Performance Reports;

Independent Review of Complaints Handling, Investigations & Misconduct Issues in Relation to Policing;

New Police Scotland National Complaint Handling Operating Model;

Monitoring of the Handling of Complaints by the Chief Constable;

Professional Boundaries;

Private Committee Business;

Wider Committee Engagement & Training; and

Review of Committee Effectiveness.

The report then provides a summary of complaints handling performance during 2021/22 in respect of both the SPA and Police Scotland, and Committee oversight of the same.

Given the specific relevance of COP26, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on complaints, specific sections are included in this regard.

This section also includes information on PIRC Complaint Handling Reviews in respect of Police Scotland, as well as an overview of organisational learning resulting from complaints within Police Scotland.

Where available, trend analysis is provided, by year, over a 5-year period.

The report also provides update on cross-agency joint working during the period.

The final section provides a look ahead to the focus of the Committee for 2022-23.

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