Report Summary
This is the Authority’s third Complaints and Conduct Committee annual report, which provides information and insights about numbers, performance and assurance in relation to complaints received during 2022-23.
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Review of Committee Effectiveness
A review of Committee performance is a beneficial way to provide a constructive view of its work and to enhance its effectiveness. Each Committee of the Authority prepares an annual report on the discharge of its responsibilities based on its terms of reference and workplan.
The purpose of these reports is to provide evidence that the Authority, supported by its Committees, has satisfactorily met its responsibilities for the governance of policing through the application of its governance principles.
Members have considered an evaluation of Committee effectiveness for the period 2022-23, and agreed the content of a formal assurance report to be submitted by the Committee Chair.
In summary terms, the following were identified as areas of strength:
- improving communications and relationships with key partners
- development sessions with key partners to further enhance Committee knowledge and understanding of the complaints landscape
In summary, the following were identified as areas for further improvement:
- timescales in dealing with complaints
- more effective reporting to the Committee to enable it to fully discharge its responsibilities
- introduction of performance benchmarking
- setting of specific Committee objectives (and using its workplan as a means of delivery)