Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Authority’s Chief Executive since the last Authority meeting held on 28 November 2024.
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 20 February 2025
Date : 20 February 2025
Location : The Grand Hall, Merchants House, 7 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BA - Anyone requiring lift access should enter via the George Square entrance.
CEO Updates
Assistant Chief Constable Recruitment
Due to recent retirements, the Authority launched a recruitment process in January 2025, advertising for two Assistant Chief Constables (ACC) to join Police Scotland’s leadership team. The roles were promoted across the UK between 17 January and 7 February 2025.
The Selection Panel will be Chaired by Fiona McQueen CBE, Interim Chair, supported by Chief Constable Jo Farrell, Alasdair Hay, Authority Member and David Robertson, Chief Executive of Scottish Borders Council as the Independent Member. Interviews will take place in March 2025, and we expect to announce the successful candidates shortly thereafter.
Board Member Recruitment
The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, allows for the appointment of up to 15 Board members, including the Chair at any one time to the Authority. Three Board Members, Grant Macrae, Catriona Stewart and Caroline Stuart, will complete their appointment terms on 31 March 2025. With vacancies in mind, I wrote to the Scottish Government at the start of the year, asking that a recruitment process was initiated as soon as practicable. The Scottish Government has responded confirming that preparations are underway to launch a public appointments process in the coming months.
Budget 2025-2026
At the request of the Chief Constable and the Chair of the SPA I and the Chief Financial Officer, James Gray were asked to write to the Scottish Government for clarity on how the additional employer national insurance contributions would be funded.
We asked that at any consideration on the funding of this additional cost is viewed in the following context. Policing is an essential public service that underpins the safety, security, and well-being of our communities. Since the establishment of Police Scotland in 2013, the service has undergone extensive reform and modernisation, achieving a level of efficiency and transformation yet to be achieved by many other public sector bodies in Scotland. Full funding for these additional costs is therefore critical to ensuring that the transformative progress already achieved by Police Scotland is not undermined, and that we can deliver the next phase of Scottish policing reform that will see us re-shape Police Scotland to move to our revised model of policing and realise our 2030 Vision. We asked that it be noted that the organisation has already committed to making efficiencies to balance the 2025-26 budget, and simply cannot absorb any additional costs without impacting on pay, workforce and officer numbers.
The unique nature of policing in Scotland, a service that cannot reduce demand or hold reserves to support multi-year financial planning, means that if these increased costs are not fully funded, corresponding savings could only be achieved via workforce reductions. As a result, the service would be unable to fund the 16,600-officer establishment highlighted in the budget announcement on 4 December 2024, and this would inevitably lead to a reduction to services which could undermine public confidence and diminish the police's ability to deliver effective services at a time when there is heightening demand.
At this time, the Authority has not requested additional funds from Scottish Government, for emergent costs associated with meeting a growth in demand for drug driving associated testing seen over recent months. These additional tests have been managed by an increase in the use of outsourcing. However, as reported to the Forensic Services Committee recently, if this rise in demand for testing is sustained or further increases, there may be a financial pressure arising in 2025-2026. The Authority will keep this situation under close monitoring.
Relocation of the Authority’s Principal Office from Pacific Quay to Clyde Gateway, Dalmarnock
From 31 March 2025, the Authority’s principal office will move from Pacific Quay in Glasgow to Clyde Gateway, French Street, Dalmarnock, G40 4EH, where the Authority will be co-located with Police Scotland.
The Authority has now received formal Ministerial approval for this relocation. In granting approval, Ministers have recognised that while this co-location with Police Scotland supports the Police Scotland Estate Strategy, it also supports the Scottish Government’s Single Scottish Estate (SSE) programme through delivering a more efficient approach to public sector property management.
With the advent of hybrid working, the office at Pacific Quay is too large for current requirements. The end of our current lease arrangements has provided an opportunity to move to more appropriate accommodation and generate revenue savings of around £300,000 a year.
Trades Unions have been formally engaged on the move at JNCC. They supported the Authority’s proposals for staff engagement and raised no concerns on the relocation. Authority staff have been engaged through group and individual consultations, with no counter proposals received. Staff have been largely accepting of the rationale for relocation, and many have indicated they are very positive about the move.
The Authority will have its own discrete space on the first floor of the Clyde Gateway with a secure entry system, while benefiting from co-location with the 60% of staff in the building who deliver corporate services.
Police Scotland review of Sex and Gender
Police Scotland is undertaking a review of its policy and practice in in relation to the recording of sex and gender in policing. The Authority’s Policing Performance Committee received an update on this work on 10 December 2024. The Committee were given assurance on the wide scope of the review, timescales of delivery, extent of stakeholder engagement and mechanisms for ensuring legal and policy compliance.
The Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee has asked to be kept informed of this work. I wrote to the Committee on 12 December 2024 providing an update on the Authority’s considerations. I have also since responded to correspondence from Murray, Blackburn and Mackenzie, who queried the scope of the review. In my response I confirm that the review will include examining a number of operational practices and policies including, but not limited to, the Stop and Search and Custody Standard Operating procedures.
Best Value Review for Policing
His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) and Audit Scotland will undertake a joint Best Value audit and inspection of policing in Scotland during 2025. In November 2024, I wrote to HMICS and the Auditor General for Scotland seeking clarity on the start date and timeline including the scope and terms of reference. I received a response confirming that work is expected to commence in April/May 2025, with detailed work to be undertaken prior to this to determine the scope, approach and timeline.
I continue to discuss the arrangements for securing and demonstrating Best Value with Police Scotland. This included the Authority’s staff presenting our experiences and lessons learned from the Authority’s Best Value journey, self-assessment process and recent HMICS inspection of the Authority.
I will continue to consider the arrangements in place across policing, as well as the findings from the self-assessment work undertaken in preparation for the audit and inspection. I will also continue to liaise with HMICS and the Auditor General for Scotland on the development of the terms of reference.
Scottish Railway Policing Committee
A meeting of the Scottish Railway Policing Committee took place on Tuesday 26 November 2024. Tom Halpin was in attendance and represented the Authority at this committee.
A report summarising the key issues covered at this meeting is included at Appendix A. Further detail can be found on the British Transport Police Authority website. The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for Wednesday 5 March 2025.
Scottish LGBTI Police Association
On 9 December 2024, the former Chair and I met with the Scottish LGBTI Police Association as part of our regular engagement with the Association and discussed a range of issues. I am grateful to the Association’s representatives for their continued and constructive engagement.
At the Authority Meeting in August 2024, I intimated that I would be retiring in 2025. I have since written to the Interim Chair confirming my intended retirement date of Tuesday 30 September 2025. This date will allow me to conclude several key strategic issues before a new Chief Executive takes post. These include the induction of a new Chair and onboarding of new Board Members; the completion of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2024/2025; the completion of the self-evaluation and oversight of the best value review and the development of the budget requirements for 2026/2027. It is intended to launch recruitment in early April 2025 with a closing date of early May 2025 with interview and appointment in early June 2025.