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Published: 23 August 2023

SPA Chair’s Report - 25 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the SPA Chair’s Report.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 25 May 2023

Date : 25 May 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

HMICS Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology Provision

On 25 April, HMICS published its Assurance Review of Forensic Toxicology provision. This review was undertaken at my request and at speed when it became apparent that some drug driving cases were not able to proceed to prosecution due to delays with toxicology testing and analysis. I am grateful to HMICS for this final report.

The introduction of new drug driving legislation in October 2019 was a significant programme of change for Forensic Services. It was clear from the outset that demand for testing had been severely underestimated by all stakeholders. The staff and scientists in toxicology have worked hard to try and manage this demand.

HMICS’s findings and recommendations recognise the need for a long-term strategy and multi-agency approach to address both prevention and prosecution of drug driving cases.

The Authority has already taken a number of steps to strengthen our oversight and scrutiny of Forensic Services and we will review the terms of reference and functionality of our Forensic Services Committee in the coming months. We continue to work closely with Forensic Services, Police Scotland, the COPFS and Scottish
Government to address the constructive recommendations made in this review and drive further improvement in drug driving prosecutions. The Authority will have an opportunity to consider the report and its recommendations in more detail at our June meeting which HMICS will also attend.

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