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Published: 22 August 2023

SPA Chair's Report - 24 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Chair since the previous Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Member Recruitment

Early discussions have taken place between officials from the Authority, Scottish Government and Public Appointments team about a recruitment round for new Board members later this year.

There are currently 12 Board members (of a maximum of 15). With succession planning in mind, I have recommended that a future recruitment round seeks to appoint at least two new Board members from 1 April 2024 and seek to increase further the diversity on the Board.

Member recruitment is conducted independently by the Scottish Government’s Public Appointment team and regulated by the Commission for Ethical Standards. The Authority will support this recruitment round with an enhanced promotion and attraction strategy.

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