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Published: 22 August 2023

SPA Chair's Report - 24 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of activities carried out by the Chair since the previous Authority Meeting.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Green icons showing 7 inter-connected circles.

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 24 August 2023

Date : 24 August 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Engagement with Diversity Associations

My engagement with the statutory staff associations, trade unions and diversity associations continues. Last month I met with the Executive team at SEMPER Scotland. The organisation exists to support and represent all minority ethnic officers and police staff on issues of equality in race. I was joined at this meeting by Fiona McQueen as Chair of the Authority’s People Committee and our Chief Executive.

This was a very constructive and positive meeting with a strong focus on the efforts and actions to address discrimination and build an inclusive organisation.

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