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Published: 12 April 2023

SPA Chair’s Report - 23 March 2023

Category: Reports
Commitee: Authority Meetings

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of SPA Chair’s Report.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 23 March 2023

Date : 23 March 2023

Location : COSLA, Edinburgh

Policing Budget

A budget for 2023-24 is proposed for consideration and approval by the Authority at item 7 on the agenda. This year’s budget represents an improved funding position from the indications set out in last year’s Resource Spending Review. I recognise and welcome the Scottish Government’s support for policing at a time when public spending is facing considerable constraint.

The Authority has been engaged in detailed budget development discussions with Police Scotland and Forensic Services in recent months, to understand and prioritise spending in the year ahead based on the settlement. Policing is not immune from the difficult choices being felt across the public sector and this settlement does
have implications for our workforce and policing prioritisation.

During discussions, the Authority has been clear that we expect an ongoing focus on delivering against our 5 strategic outcomes as well as the Scottish Government’s strategic police priorities.

The Authority set the key priorities and tests for developing the budget. These guided the budget drafting process:
A balanced budget with no operating deficit;
Zero-basing non-pay budgets and prioritising them to address areas of the greatest risk;
Prioritising the policing response to the most vulnerable individuals and communities where the greatest threats and arms exist;
Maintaining a timely response to 999 calls for service;
Embedding a cost reduction capability and mind-set across policing to maintain the programme of transformation and modernisation (as far as possible within the funding envelope).

 I want to put on record my thanks to both Police Scotland and Forensic Services for their engagement and contribution on budget development over the last few months.

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