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Published: 19 April 2023

SPA Chair’s Report - 23 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of SPA Chair’s Report.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 26 February 2023

Date : 23 February 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

COSLA Police Scrutiny Conveners Meeting

I (Martyn Evans) attended the first meeting of the re-established COSLA scrutiny Convenors Forum on 13 December 2022. I took the opportunity to share the Authority’s commitment to working closely with our local government colleagues and described some of our shared challenges as I see them. Staff from the Authority and Police Scotland were involved in delivering a number of the agenda items for the session, bringing to life our tripartite work across scrutiny and public confidence activity.

Following our tripartite review of local police plans last year, the Authority has been working with COSLA to develop guidance for locally elected members to support their scrutiny of local policing. The framework for scrutiny was supported by COSLA’s Police Scrutiny Conveners’ and we will seek ongoing feedback from elected members and officials to enhance the guidance if required.

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