Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with the SPA Chair’s Report
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Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 21 June 2023
Date : 21 June 2023
Location : Apex Grassmarket, Edinburgh
Recruitment of Chief Constable
On Wednesday 14 June, I announced the appointment of Jo Farrell as the next Chief Constable of Police Scotland following Sir Iain Livingstone’s retirement in August. We will confirm when Jo Farrell will take up post as soon as possible.
I want to put on record my thanks to those who applied for the role - I was delighted to have had such an excellent calibre of applicants for such an important position. This was an extensive and rigorous recruitment process and I am grateful to those who put themselves forward.
I also want to thank the selection panel and all those stakeholders involved in the recruitment process for giving their time to support the selection of the next Chief Constable.
Jo Farrell is an outstanding and highly experienced senior police leader who has made an exceptional contribution to policing over her extensive career. She has a proven history of innovative policing and she has UK wide experience heading the demanding Digital Data and Technology portfolio for the National Police Chiefs’ Council.
We look forward to working with her to build on the high level of policing operational stability and effectiveness achieved in recent years and further accelerate the culture change programmes.