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Published: 19 April 2023

SPA Business Plan 2022-23

Report Summary

The Business Plan 2022-23 underpins the 3-year Corporate Plan and sets out the Authority's priorities for the year and explains how the Authority will measure its performance.

Monitoring Progress

Specific milestones and measures related to achieving this Strategy will be developed by the corporate team, underpinning the appended Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan also references work underway within the Authority to take forward continuous improvement. The Authority will report
publicly on progress in relation to delivery of this Corporate Strategy through a number of established mechanisms:

  • An annual assessment of the Authority’s performance will be included in the Annual Report and Accounts.
  • The Chief Executive Officer will report to the Authority (the Board) on progress and achievement of the Corporate Strategy at regular public meetings of the Authority’s Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee.
  • This Corporate Strategy will be reviewed after three years in accordance with the planning cycle, aligning with reviews of the Strategic Police Plan and the strategy for Forensic Services.

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Published: 18 April 2023