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Published: 23 November 2022

SPA Biannual Public Opinion Polling - 11 October 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of SPA Biannual Public Opinion Polling Activity.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 October 2022

Date : 11 October 2022

Location : online

Conclusion & Next Steps

Overall, the headline views on policing remain positive. However, there are variations across a number of demographics that will be explored further, undertaking deep dive segmentation and intersectional analyses, where possible, for further reporting to committee. It should be noted that one of the benefits of conducting regular surveys is that the overall sample will grow during the next two years, permitting statistically valid, intersectional analysis.

The results do highlight variance in views based on level of deprivation. This has been well-versed through the SCJS over the last fifteen years and was observed in the Authority’s polling results during the Covid-19 pandemic. Currently the Authority, with support from Police Scotland, are conducting a project which aims to understand and enhance confidence in policing in areas of deprivation. Polling analysis will feed into this work as it develops.

On a more long-term basis, it is anticipated that the Authority will be able to use this polling to monitor trends in views on policing and policing matters over time. This is particularly valuable as the SCJS 2021/22 underwent a change in methodology due to the Covid-19 pandemic and is also undergoing re-procurement where a permanent change to methodology is being considered. As such, it is unclear whether 2020/21 data and future iterations will be comparable with the existing SCJS time series. It is also planned that while the Authority’s sample develops pool samples to gain further insights into underrepresented groups.

Data from polling will also be shared with operational policing colleagues and wider partners to ensure insights can be utilised and inform future research activity within the service.

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