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Published: 23 August 2023

SPA Annual Whistleblowing Report - 2 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of effectiveness of whistleblowing arrangements within the Scottish Police Authority (SPA).


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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

Date : 02 August 2023

Location : online



There are no direct financial implications. However, an open and transparent culture will help to mitigate the associated costs of malpractice and poor financial decision making.


The Authority approach to whistleblowing seeks to ensure that staff work in an open, transparent and safe working environment where people feel able to speak up.


The policy seeks to ensure internal controls and processes are in place to enable SPA compliance with the relevant legislation. The work in relation to the implementation of the training plan seeks to build on this.


An effective approach to whistleblowing is essential in detecting and deterring wrongdoing, whilst also raising the bar on standards and quality. The reputational benefit of having an open, transparent and safe working environment is clear.


Policy developments being considered are being supported by an Equality and Human Rights Impact assessment to ensure mitigation of negative impact whilst ensuring opportunities are taken to maximise positive impact.


A specific category for raising whistleblowing concerns relates to damage to the environment. No issues have yet been identified through the updated whistleblowing policy.

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