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Published: 09 August 2023

SPA Analysis: "Human Rights Review of Children and Young People: Strip Searching in Police Custody" Northern Ireland Policing Board

Report Summary

On 27 June 2023, the Northern Ireland Policing Board’s Human Rights Advisor published a report on the strip searching of children in custody by the Police Service of Northern Ireland. This page provides a summary of the report and links to relevant past and future oversight to from a Scottish Police Authority perspective.

You can read the original NIPB report.

Future Oversight by the Authority

A public dashboard of stop and search data is currently under development, and has been shared in draft form with Authority and Scottish Government colleagues. Authority PA staff have provided initial feedback on the dashboard. It is understood that Police Scotland will make the dashboard publicly available by the end of this financial year.

Authority officers also understand that internal discussions are currently taking place within Police Scotland around steps that could be taken to reduce the number of children strip searched.

A follow up data report on stop and search will be presented to December Policing Performance Committee.

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