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Published: 11 August 2023

Sex Equality & Tackling Misogyny Update - 31 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an update on Sex Equality & Tackling Misogyny.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 31 May 2023

Date : 31 May 2023

Location : online

Emerging Themes

Common inappropriate comments and behaviours
Behaviours being exhibited both in and outside of the workplace, including while off duty
Being excluded and isolated at work, particularly if a complaint is made, the individual is often bullied and intimidated by peers
Female colleagues being treated as lesser than male colleagues and not given the same credit or recognition; in many cases male colleagues being given credit for their work
Promotions of female colleagues labelled as ‘tokenistic’ or implied comments of them being undeserving
Female officers with senior rank facing insubordination from male colleagues as work is questioned and asks are ignored

Unfair treatment in the workplace and direct discrimination
Fear of challenging or calling out behaviours due to rank culture
Flexible working plans denied or questioned and colleagues working part-time treated lesser than
Promotion and progression is discouraged and sometimes withheld from colleagues
Being overlooked for positions, even if qualified, due to gender, personal circumstances and working plans in place
Lack of support and understanding of flexible working plans
Concerns and issues raised not being taken seriously or taken through the grievance process
Concerns raised over not having suitable uniform (i.e., trousers) and body armour for female officers

Impacts of these behaviours on colleagues
Colleagues have suffered with a lack of confidence in their ability and skill set but also a lack of confidence within the organisation
Impact carries through to home life, affecting family and friends
Hesitations on starting a family with the fear of negative effects on career prospects
Being discouraged from raising formal grievance but also being withheld information regarding progress of a grievance submitted
Male colleagues highlighted the need for change but also regret for not feeling empowered enough to stand up and challenge behaviours
Colleagues have also highlighted concerns on how behaviours within the organisation affect the service we are providing the public

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