Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the on-going review in relation to the use of data relating to Sex and Gender within Scottish Policing.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Policing Performance Committee - 10 December 2024
Date : 10 December 2024
Location : online
There are personnel implications associated with this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.
There are legal implications attributed to this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.
There are reputational implications associated with this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.
There are social implications associated with this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.
There are community implications associated with this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.
There are equality implications associated with this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.
There are environmental implications associated with this report. These are to be fully explored and recorded as part of the review.