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Published: 09 September 2024

Senior Officer Recruitment Process - 29 August 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority People Committee with a proposal for the optimum process and arrangements for the appointment of police officers to the rank of Assistant Chief Constable and above by the Scottish Police Authority.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2024

Date : 29 August 2024

Location : Online


Recruitment and Selection Approach

The recruitment and selection of senior officers has a number of well established phases. The approach set out below is recognised and consistent with best practice guidance produced by the College of Policing on the appointment of senior officers. It is also compliant with Regulation 7 of the Police Service of Scotland Regulations 2013 where the requirements on the Authority in appointing senior officers are outlined in detail. It also takes into account any lesson learned from the recruitment of two DCCs and three ACCs that took place since the last update to the Committee in August 2023.

Pre-Assessment – This initial phase involves defining the role profile of the position to be recruited. A role profile should describe the skills and professional standards, competencies and behaviours required for policing on a national level at the rank of ACC, DCC or Chief Constable. The role profile will capture the primary and nationally consistent elements of the rank while also reflecting the needs and values specific to Police Scotland and the particular role. In developing the role profile, Police Scotland’s input is essential. The role profile will inform the advert and be included in an Information Pack which requires to be finalised during this pre-assessment stage.

Important to the pre-assessment phase is defining the assessment criteria before progressing with the appointment process. The assessment criteria must be reflective of the rank and Police Scotland’s Competency Values Framework. Assessment criteria will also consider the composition of the current executive team and its existing skills and experience, and whether there are any specific skills or experiences not currently reflected which a new chief officer could offer. Additionally, the Chief Constable has highlighted four key areas that are essential for prospective senior officers:
 Political Acumen
 Performance Focus
 Change Oversight
 Focus on Communities

Eligibility - Individuals who previously qualified as eligible for a senior officer appointment by virtue of successfully completing the senior police national assessment centre (senior PNAC) and the strategic command course (SCC) are eligible for substantive appointment to a chief officer role. Individuals who have successfully completed the PLP – stage 5 (executive leaders) will also be eligible for substantive appointment to a chief officer role.

Appointment Panel - In recruiting to the rank of ACC, DCC or Chief Constable, an appointment panel will be convened to enact the approved process. The panel’s purpose is to ensure the appointments process is discharged effectively and the principles of merit, fairness and openness are adhered to. The panel will challenge and test candidates against the requirements to perform the role and recommend preferred candidates to the Authority.

Appointment panels should consist of three to five panel members from a diverse range of backgrounds with experience in the assessment and selection of candidates. The appointment panel will be chaired by the Chair of the Scottish Police Authority and may also include:
• The Chief Constable (for DCC or ACC appointments)
• An additional Authority member
• An independent panel member
• A Scottish Government representative (for the appointment of Chief Constable only)
• A serving policing professional (for the appointment of Chief Constable only).
Any additional members of the selection panel in addition to those listed above are at the discretion of the Chair.

In addition to the appointment panel an observing HR professional and the Chief Executive will be in attendance and it is recommended that HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland is invited to observe the interviews with candidates.

It is suggested that the Chair considers and determines any appointment panel within the parameters above. With the support of the Chief Executive, the Chair must also ensure that those involved in the appointment process have received appropriate briefing/training in the selection and assessment practices that will be utilised.

Assessment – The main objective of any appointment process is to identify the right candidate for the position. There are a number of selection techniques that can be utilised to ensure a thorough assessment is undertaken. Based on the best practice guidance and previous experience, the stages below should be considered:
• Application form
• Shortlisting
• Presentation or scenario-based exercise
• Professional personal profiling (including psychometric testing)
• Media exercise (for the appointment of Chief Constable only)
• Policing Professional Conversation
• External Stakeholder panel, chaired by an Authority member (for the appointment of Chief Constable and DCC)
• Internal Stakeholder panel, chaired by an Authority member (for the appointment of Chief Constable only)
• Panel interview that assesses capabilities in relation to Police Scotland’s Competency Values Framework

Attraction strategy – There are a number of requirements set out in Regulation regarding advertising of any senior officer vacancy. To ensure opportunities are open to the widest pool of eligible candidates, roles require to be advertised nationally through a public website or policing publication for a minimum of 3 weeks.

Based on the requirements above, and with a view to maximising the reach and visibility of any senior officer vacancies to a UK-wide audience, the following advertising and attraction approach should be considered when promoting vacancies:
• Scottish Police Authority website
• Police Scotland website
• National College of Policing website (accessible to all senior ranked serving officers across the UK)
• National Police Chiefs Council website (accessible to all senior ranked serving officers across the UK)
• Police Professional /Police Oracle (online)
• Letter from Chair to all UK Chief Constables promoting vacancies.
• National newspaper (print and online)

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