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Published: 29 August 2024

Senior Officer Recruitment Process - 29 August 2024

Category: Reports
Topic: Policy
Commitee: People Committee

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority People Committee with a proposal for the optimum process and arrangements for the appointment of police officers to the rank of Assistant Chief Constable and above by the Scottish Police Authority.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2024

Date : 29 August 2024

Location : Online


The People Committee terms of reference state that the Committee is required to determine and approve the optimum process and implement arrangements for appointments to the ranks of Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable, and Assistant Chief Constable and to Director level roles within the Authority/ Police Scotland. This paper sets out the recommended process for appointment of senior officers to Police Scotland at the rank of Assistant Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable, and Chief Constable.

Scotland’s current chief officer establishment comprises a Chief Constable, 3 Deputy Chief Constables (DCC) and 9 Assistant Chief Constables (ACC). In addition, one ACC is seconded to the National Police Coordination Centre.

The number of senior officers who may retire in the coming months is unknown. Advance planning for any currently unknown retirements is underway and this paper sets out the proposed process that will be utilised to recruit at a senior level should it be required in the coming 12 months.

The Authority is responsible for making appointments to the rank of ACC and above. The People Committee is responsible for assuring the Authority that the process for the appointment of senior officers is fit for purpose and robust.

The Authority is committed to a transparent, competitive and robust assessment and recruitment process in order to attract and appoint the best candidates to any vacant positions. The process is based on the principles of merit, fairness and openness and is in accordance with public sector equality duties.

This report has been informed by the College of Policing’s Guidance on the appointment of Chief Officers, which was updated in February 2024, learning from previous senior officer appointment processes and discussions with Police Scotland’s leadership team.

During 2023 the Strategic Command Course was replaced by the Police Leadership Programme (PLP) - stage 5 (executive leaders). Individuals who have successfully completed the PLP – stage 5 (executive leaders) are eligible for substantive appointment to a senior officer role. Cohort one of PLP – stage 5 (executive leaders) concluded in July 2024 with cohort two anticipated to conclude in February 2025.

Chief Constable Steve Watson, in his capacity as service director for PLP – stage 5 (executive leaders), oversaw a review of the design, delivery and assessment for cohort three and beyond. The recommendations from this review have now been agreed and these will used to inform the design and delivery of the programme for cohort three and beyond.

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