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Published: 04 September 2023

Scottish Police Authority - Publication Scheme

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This Publication Scheme sets out the classes of information available, how information can be accessed, and whether a charge will be made for the information.

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Exempt information

The Authority will publish the information we hold that falls within the classes of information detailed in this document. Our aim in maintaining this publication scheme is to be as open as possible. You should note, however, that there may be circumstances where information will be withheld from one of the classes of information listed. Information will only be withheld, however, where FOISA or, in the case of environmental information, the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 expressly permits it.

Information may be withheld, for example, where its disclosure would breach the law of confidentiality, harm an organisation’s commercial interest, or endanger the protection of the environment. Information may also be withheld if it is another person’s personal information, and its release would breach the data protection legislation.

Whenever information is withheld, the Authority will inform you of this, and will set out why that information cannot be released. Even where information is withheld it may, in some cases, be possible to provide copies with the withheld information edited out.

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