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Published: 28 November 2024

Scottish Police Authority Performance Summary 2023-24

Keywords : Annual Report

Report Summary

This provides a summary of key performance and financial figures provided in our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023-24.

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Trends in crimes and offences

Group 1 non-sexual crimes of violence (includes homicide, attempted murder, serious assault and domestic abuse):

- 11,323 crimes this year

- 9.7% higher than last year

- 21.3% higher than the f-year average

- 61% detection this year, down from last year


Group 2 sexual crimes (includes rape, sexual assault, prostitution, and public indecency):

- 14,517 crimes this year

- 0.6% lower than last year

- 3.4% higher than the 5-year average

- 57% detection this year, up from last year


Group 3 crimes of dishonesty (includes housebreaking, theft of/from a vehicle, shoplifting, and fraud):

- 111,596 crimes this year

- 7.9% higher than last year

- 10.6% higher than the 5-year average

- 33% detection this year, up from last year


Group 4 fire-raising, malicious mischief etc (includes fire-raising, malicious mischief and vandalism):

- 41,219 crimes this year

- 4.4% lower than last year

- 9.4% lower than the 5-year average

- 30% detection this year, up from last year


Group 5 other (pro-activity) crimes (includes possession and supply of drugs, carrying weapons, and bail offences):

- 61,986 crimes this year

- 4.4% higher than last year

- 1.2% lower than the 5-year average

- 91% detection this year, down from last year


Group 6 miscellaneous offences (includes drunkenness and disorderly conduct, breaches of the peace, and wildlife offences):

- 122,303 crimes this year

- 0.6% higher than last year

- 3.5% lower than the 5-year average

- 72% detection this year, down from last year


Group 7 motor vehicle offences (includes dangerous driving, drink & drug driving, driving without a licence/insurance, and mobile phone offences):

- 112,640 crimes this year

- 3.1% higher than last year

- 2.4% lower than the 5-year average

- 88% detection this year, up from last year

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