Report Summary
This provides a summary of key performance and financial figures provided in our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023-24.
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Public confidence in policing
Public confidence in policing impacts on how safe individuals feel. Communities should feel confident that the police will be there for them when needed, and that they will experience policing in a way that is based on fairness and respect.
Levels of public confidence are therefore another key indicator of performance for policing in Scotland. This is measured through a range of surveys including the Your Police survey, which continues to be the largest of its kind in the UK, and the Authority's own public polling.
15,262 Your Police survey responses received in 2023-24.
50% of respondents said they had confidence in the Police
79% feel very safe or fairly safe in their area.
29% strongly agree or agree that police listen to concerns of local people.
62% strongly agree or agree that local police are friendly and approachable.
Forensic Services
21,800 cases dealt with in 2023-24.
5,441 open cases at year end, improved from last year.
1.7 months average age of open cases, steady compared to last year.
Key activities this year include:
- Publication of the HMICS review of Toxicology Provision in April 2023, and agreement of a partnership action to address recommendations.
- A renewed Memorandum of Understanding between the Authority, the Chief Constable, and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service approved in August 2023.
- Post Mortem Toxicology services transferred from the University of Glasgow to Forensic Services, including the opening of a new laboratory in November 2023.
- Creation of a new Forensic Services National Scenes Tasking Unit in April 2024.
UKAS accreditation maintained for over 25 consecutive years.
Compliance with the Scottish Biometric Commissioner’s Code of Practice confirmed during first annual assessment by the Commissioner.