Report Summary
This provides a summary of key performance and financial figures provided in our Annual Report and Accounts for 2023-24.
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Police Scotland delivers a national police service across the length and breadth of Scotland.
The Scottish Police Authority (the Authority / SPA) is the oversight body responsible for providing governance, promoting continuous improvement, and holding the Chief Constable to account. It is also responsible for providing Forensic Services.
The Authority, working with Police Scotland, produces the Annual Report and Accounts each year. We use a range of evidence to report on performance against the strategic police priorities, set out in the Joint Strategy for Policing.
This Performance Summary presents a selection of the key performance and financial figures provided in our full Annual Report and Accounts for 2023-24.
As set out in the foreword from our Chair, Martyn Evans, the Authority assesses that the overall performance of policing and Forensic Services in Scotland remains strong. Further insight and analysis can be found in the full report.