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Published: 13 June 2023

RPAS Update - 15 June 2023

Keywords : RPAs Drones

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the RPAS Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online

Best Value

Market research carried out by the ASU since the original report to the SPA PPC, has identified a model which was released to market in March 2022 and has been extensively used by other UK Forces. Given the pace at which drone technology moves, and to ensure best value, Police Scotland has opted to purchase the most up to date drone available. This model is more lightweight, more portable, cost effective and with better ingress protection (IP) than previous models. The chosen model will also be capable of flying in adverse conditions and battery capability advancements ensure longer flying time.

Sustainability and innovation are key aspects of the air support strategic plan over the next 10 years. The ASU continues to engage with partners, industry and academia to help influence drone development based on our operational experience and insight. This includes working with Glasgow University on a Research & Development project.

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