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Published: 29 May 2024

Revised Model of Policing Oversight Group - Terms of Reference

Keywords : RMoP Target Operating Model RMoP Target Operating Model Joint Strategy for Policing Strategic priorities for policing

Report Summary

This document outlines the terms of reference, purpose and scope of the Authority's Revised Model of Policing Oversight Group

Revised Model for the Policing of Scotland Oversight Group

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) Revised Model for the Policing of Scotland Oversight Group (the Group) is an Advisory Group reporting to the Authority’s Board.

The Authority has assessed there is a need for Police Scotland to develop a revised model for policing to adapt to evolving societal needs and challenges, meet budgetary requirements, and make best use of available human and financial resources. The Group is a short term body, established to seek assurance of behalf of the Board on the pace and direction of the new model’s development by the Chief Constable, and thereby enhance public interest focused governance and strategic oversight on behalf of the Authority.

The Oversight Group’s core purpose is to

Provide assurance and enhanced oversight of progress in delivering a detailed and structured representation of how Police Scotland intends to operate in the future, aligned to its strategic outcomes. This depiction of an organisation’s future state could be a Target Operating Model (TOM), blueprint or similar, together with a road map for delivery.

The Group will seek to

  • Provide oversight and assurance that delivery is sufficiently prioritised and resourced to drive forward change at pace.
  • Provide oversight and assurance that insight and evidence are gathered and utilised to underpin the objectives, progress and success. This will include evidence of impact on budget, service delivery, workforce, stakeholders and partners, and public confidence.

The Group will seek assurance on the following key areas, such that

  • Work progresses at the appropriate pace to align with the 2025-26 budget setting process and multi-year financial planning.
  • The thinking behind and emerging framework for the new model are reviewed as they are developed by Police Scotland, with particular reference to the Scottish Government reform agenda of digitisation, innovation and estate rationalisation.
  • Progress is monitored throughout the development process.
  • The developing model aligns with the strategic outcomes set out in the Authority and Police Scotland’s Joint Strategy for Policing , the Scottish Government’s Strategic Priorities for Policing, and public expectations.
  • Budgetary implications and resource requirements for implementation of the new model are adequately reviewed and assessed.
  • The impact of the new model on the organisation’s people, public services, stakeholders and partners, is appropriately evidenced and understood.
  • An appropriate and timely model for engaging the organisation’s people, external stakeholders and communities and a wider communication plan are developed.
  • Feedback from relevant stakeholders and the public is appropriately gathered and tested, to ensure a transparent and inclusive development process.
  • The impact of the new model on community and stakeholder engagement, diversity, and inclusion are considered and addressed appropriately.
  • The legal and ethical implications of the new model are assessed and understood, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • Police Scotland provides accessible and bespoke reports to the Authority on regular basis, on progress and findings from its work and oversight activities.

Operation of the Oversight Group

  • The Group has delegated authority to request information, documents, and reports from the Chief Constable to fulfil its responsibilities, and may request information and input from other relevant stakeholders to inform its considerations. 4 Members, Attendees and Secretariat


  • The Group will be chaired by the Authority Chair, and be Authority Member led. Each meeting will be attended by at least two Authority Members, including the Chair. Attendees
  • Meetings will be attended by the Authority’s Chief Executive; the nominated Police Scotland DCC/DCO Lead for the new model; Police Scotland staff and officers as required; and representatives from the Authority’s Executive team.
  • Representatives from Authority Committees, HMICS, and other organisations or groups may be invited to attend to inform the Group’s considerations, at the discretion of the Chair. Secretariat
  • Secretariat support will be provided by the SPA Governance Support Team.

Frequency, operation, and reporting from meetings

  • Meetings will be held monthly. This may be supplemented by additional meetings or deep dive thematic sessions, at the discretion of the Chair.
  • A record of the meeting and action log will be produced and circulated to Group attendees following each meeting.
  • Written summary reports from meetings will be submitted by the Oversight Group's Chair to each subsequent scheduled public meeting of the Authority.
  • The Group may bring specific issues to the attention of other Committees of the Authority where appropriate; and Authority Committees may bring relevant business to the Group’s attention.
  • The Group will meet for a period of not less than 12 months, until the Authority has approved the new model for policing, and with regular reviews to assess its ongoing relevance and necessity

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