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Published: 25 September 2023

Resource Deployment Unit Update - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Resource Deployment Unit Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online

Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee Requirements & Update

In June 2023, the SPA Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee accepted the findings of the audit of the RDU Redesign IBC.

The Committee tasked Police Scotland with providing updates on progress made against the recommendations, and the plans to mitigate the risks identified, including reducing the impact on Officer Wellbeing and inefficiency of process.

Any reduction of functionality and support to other business areas such as Leadership, Training and Development, People and Development and Criminal Justice should be considered alongside workforce planning and the future target operating model for the organisation. Essentially, stopping one element of functionality for the RDU will have a direct impact on another business area who will likely have to absorb this work, for example training and HR related updates.

Given the critical need to maintain RDU functionality in order to support operational policing, and as a consequence of a real time reduction in staff (the function has had a reduction in resource of circa 14% in recent years), a hybrid approach is being considered as the most viable option to progress. This option would see a blend of new technology and automation sit alongside the existing resource structure to maximise efficiency and enable a consistent national provision. This hybrid approach would likely consist of the following components:

• A workflow management process to identify and prioritise tasking and process.
• Technology led automation to maximise capacity and / or focus on high tariff functions.
• Review the current service catalogue and identify opportunities to cease, evolve or re-parent certain functions in line with Organisational need and priorities.
• Spread existing staff to provide national coverage and standardise process regardless of geographical location.
• Align the RDU structure to ensure standardised line management to provide clarity and appropriate support to all staff.

Discussions are currently ongoing with Digital Division to establish what technological solutions are available both internally and potentially through procurement of professional services, in order to support this approach and the priority status of this work. These discussions will be considered in line with the work being undertaken by the recently established Strategic and Tactical working groups, to prioritise and deliver effective policing within the revenue budget available. A practitioner workshop has been scheduled for September, with Digital Division and the Service Design Team, to consider opportunities for tactical improvements until the strategic direction is defined in the longer term.

In order to progress an alternative option and fully scope the hybrid approach design option, a dedicated project team requires to be created to revise the current IBC to enable progression to full business case. Work is ongoing with supporting divisions to establish what this should comprise and to make a formal recommendation to Change Board.

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