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Published: 25 September 2023

Resource Deployment Unit Update - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Resource Deployment Unit Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online


The RDU function has been subject of ongoing review, and development, since the formation of Police Scotland, reflecting the need to unify legacy processes and implement a consistent national provision.  There has been an increasing need to enhance the organisation’s capability to respond to major incidents, to mass-mobilise resources within Scotland and elsewhere, and effectively respond to no-notice events and the demands of modern day policing

In 2022, in recognition of the continuing demand to support operational policing and the critical nature of the RDU, a small project team and transformation funding was approved to formally initiate the project.  A Project Manager and Business Analyst were appointed and the Force Resource Manager seconded to devise an Initial Business Case (IBC).

The RDU Redesign IBC was presented to Portfolio Management Board in January 2023. The recommended option within the IBC proposed an uplift of FTE to provide capacity to manage workload, to create a staffing profile, establish hours of operation, geographical locations, and unified national processes to support service provision.  This option required revision and alignment of service across Scotland with a need to level up staff within the West and National Divisions similar to the legacy model in existence in the East and North.

At this time a decision was taken in support of the Internal Audit Annual Plan 2022/23 to seek an audit of the business case to ensure suitability and compliance prior to progression to Full Business Case (FBC). The audit report was received by Police Scotland in March 2023, and outlined a number of areas requiring review and consideration prior to progression, to maximise efficiencies in service and provision and to utilise methods to map true demand.   

The audit report highlighted that the RDU IBC, whilst internally consistent with business practice, recommended an option and outcome incurring a large expense. This expense came at a time where real-life challenges experienced by the RDUs need to be addressed amid budgetary pressure and as such, alternative options should be explored. Consequently the audit concluded the following:       

‘Without reform, the RDU function will not be able to effectively respond to modern day policing demands. Police Scotland will require to accept and absorb the subsequent risks posed to the organisation. These risks are outlined in the IBC and highlight the impact over time on Officer Wellbeing, inefficiency of process and related costs should the current set up continue without reform.

The issues highlighted are recognised by Police Scotland and their efforts to address these have been harnessed through the business case. There requires to be continued focus to pursue an appropriate option which both addresses the risk posed but is mindful of the current day constraints.’

Scottish Police Authority Internal Audit Report 2022/23 – Resource Deployment Unit (RDU) March 2023

Additionally, the report recommended 10 management actions with 2   specifically highlighted as high risk. Whilst all actions are being   addressed, the high risk recommendations, and work that is ongoing     to address these, are detailed below.

 ‘We recommend process planning and guidance development use by all resourcing teams. This should, as a minimum, outline the   responsibilities of each role within the team and the processes, communication channels and rules for processing changes. This should then be reviewed by an appropriate governance forum before being distributed and implemented within all divisions and held as the single standard across the board.’

  • Introduction of formal training for Staff in RDU Process created during Op Urram and already utilised for new staff. 
  • Introduction of Continuous Professional Development. Areas of concern identified and a standard solution created and communicated to staff.
  • Project Business Analyst is mapping all RDU processes to identify most efficient and cascade through the CPD route 
  • Development of RDU SharePoint site to record and reference best practice. 
  • Governance of Areas of Concern - currently only when identified with a plan to pro-actively monitor practice/allow for early intervention.
  • Issues impacting on working practices to be escalated through Working Practice Review Board.

 ‘Performance metrics are being developed to allow internal scrutiny     of the department, however the impact of these will be limited     without sufficient reform i.e. while the current structure is in place.     Seek to implement a single, national structure in the first instance,         to then gain the full benefit of performance metrics.’

  • Review of RDU Processes by Business Analyst.
  • Identification of meaningful metrics, both within the RDU and externally.
  • Plan of work for RDU Short Life Working Groups will be presented to the Working Practices Review Board.
  • Positive Action being taken in areas where there is no cohesive RDU to support local Policing divisions. This is intended to include Service Delivery Units providing a limited but impactive transactional role in line with national processes.



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