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Published: 19 April 2023

Regulation, Compliance and Assurance Activity - 1 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of Regulation, Compliance and Assurance Activity of Forensic Services.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 1 February 2023

Date : 01 February 2023

Location : online

Regulation, compliance and assurance

The first ISO Standard for testing laboratories ISO/IEC Guide 25: 1990 was very limited in scope and guidance, comprising of 6 pages, this contrasts to the 2017 version of the ISO 17025 Standard at 38 pages.

The Forensic Science Regulator Code of Practice takes the ISO 17025 Standard and provides more detailed application to the requirements of a Management System within a forensic science laboratory and the current consultation draft is around 400 pages.

The increasing complexity of regulatory and compliance documents supporting testing and inspection activity in forensic science provides assurance of Forensic Services results as never before.

Appendix A provides a summary of the main bodies that contribute to Forensic Services regulatory and compliance framework, and which the internal Management System supports compliance and provides assurance.

Similarly, Appendix B highlights the common areas of scrutiny and compliance across this framework, providing assurance to all customers, partners and stakeholders, as well as the public.

Forensic science in Scotland is assured through compliance with this documented regulatory framework, as well as independently assured through assessment and audit by 3rd parties.

This ensures that the technical scientific activity, the Management and governance of Forensic Services, the monitoring and self-assurance activity, the legal and human rights requirements are met and that, where necessary, independent review of process, governance and financial value for money can be demonstrated.


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