Report Summary
A public briefing on Recorded Crime and Official Statistics Accreditation in the UK, published November 2024.
Note: This public briefing was updated in December 2024 following a meeting with OSR to reflect their latest accreditations and add additional detail relating to Northern Ireland.
Crime Statistics in Scotland
The OSR classes the Scottish Government’s Recorded Crime bulletins as accredited
official statistics. This accreditation applies to the information published by the
Scottish Government about the crimes and offences recorded, split by crime type
and local authority. It does not extend to information about the people (including
their demographic characteristics) and objects involved in the crimes.
Police Scotland provide data to the Scottish Government for their bulletins.
Scottish Government staff then conduct detailed quality checks. They discuss any
queries with Police Scotland, and both organisations make any necessary changes.
Statisticians who have not been involved in the process then complete a second
round of checking.
Police Scotland’s own performance publications are classed as management
information only.
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland also conduct ‘crime audits’ to assess
crime recording by Police Scotland. They check that recording is in line with the
Scottish Crime Recording Standard and Counting Rules. The most recent audit was
in 2020. The next will be in 2025-26.
As well as police recorded crime figures, the Scottish Government publishes the
Scottish Crime and Justice Survey. This asks people about their experiences and
feelings relating to crime in Scotland. The OSR classes these figures as accredited
official statistics.