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Published: 24 January 2023

Quarterly Policing Performance Report - 7 December 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Quarterly Policing Performance Report – Quarter 2 2022/23.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 7 December 2022

Date : 07 December 2022

Location : online

Further Detail

The 2022/23 Performance Framework is aligned to Police Scotland’s five strategic outcomes, underpinned by 15 strategic objectives as detailed in the Annual Police Plan 2021/22.

During the development of the refreshed Performance Framework, in collaboration with SPA, a suite of key measures were identified that would provide a consistent assessment of progress towards each of Police Scotland’s five strategic outcomes.

In total, the new framework contains 169 performance measures. Some measures have been added or amended to better reflect police performance or to give additional data and insights whilst other measures have been deleted as they are not effective measures of policing performance.

The Measures of Progress form the basis of this quarterly report. We also highlight policing demand, Operation Unicorn, public confidence and key insights identified during the quarter. This Quarter 2 report is presented with the following four chapters:

- Policing During Quarter 2 2022/23 – Key Insights

- Operation UNICORN

- Public Confidence and Experience of Policing

- Measures of Progress towards Strategic Outcomes – Full Picture.

The 2022/23 Quarter 2 YTD report is presented with a balance of quantitative and qualitative data which will evolve throughout the year.

A full copy of the 2022/23 Quarter 2 YTD Performance Report is provided at Appendix A.

This 2022/23 Quarter 2 YTD Performance Report is presented for discussion with members of the Policing Performance Committee.