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Published: 11 August 2023

Q4 and Year-end Health & Safety Report - 31 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with the Q4 and Year-end Health & Safety Report.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 31 May 2023

Date : 31 May 2023

Location : online

Further detail in relation to the report

Health and Safety Quarter 4 Report
The Health & Safety Quarter 4 report, attached at Appendix A, details matters such as enforcement activity, proactive preventative work within Custody and Productions areas and accident statistics broken down into assaults and incidents involving during arrest/custody. The report also provides updates on current and emerging health & safety issues and updates regarding the development of policy and practice.

Members are invited to discuss this report.

Health and Safety Policy
The Health and Safety Policy supports the Health and Safety Policy Statement, which is signed annually by the SPA Chair and the Chief Constable, and was last published in April 2022. The policy details the ‘organisation and arrangements’, including detailed roles and responsibilities required to achieve the organisational commitment to safeguarding employees (and others who could be affected by our activities) in the Health & Safety Policy Statement.

The SPA and Police Scotland are committed to the systematic and periodic review of the Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements and this updated policy, attached at Appendix B, is the product of a review process undertaken during 2022. This policy continues to follow the format of the Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Management System Model ‘Managing Health & Safety (HSG65)’.

During the policy review, consultation was undertaken with the SPA, staff associations, trade unions and Police Scotland departments, which included discussion at the Health and Safety Board, with corresponding amendments made as required. A detailed EQHRIA was also undertaken. The final policy was reviewed by the Health and Safety Board on 8 February 2023, and approved for presentation to the Strategic Leadership Board on 7 March 2023, where the policy was agreed. This policy is now submitted to SPA People Committee for final approval. Following policy approval, the 2023/24 Health and Safety Policy Statement will be presented to the SPA Chair and Chief Constable for signature.
Members are invited to approve the joint SPA/Police Scotland Health & Safety Policy.

Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan 2021-2024
The Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan details the high level actions that support continuous improvement in the management of health and safety, and compliance with health and safety legislation. This 3-year plan is managed, reviewed and updated by the Health and Safety Manager.

Current updates to the Health and Safety Strategic Action Plan are attached at Appendix C. Members are invited to review and discuss the Action Plan.

Annual Health and Safety Report
Following discussion between SPA officials and the Health and Safety Manger, it was agreed that a health and safety report will be provided to People Committee annually outlining the alignment of strategic priorities, governance and management processes in relation to the effective delivery of the Health and Safety Policy and Management System.

As a result of the recent retiral of the Health and Safety Manager and the ongoing recruitment process for a successor, the development of the Annual Health and Safety Report has been delayed. It is proposed that the annual report will be presented to People Committee at the September meeting for discussion.

Members are invited to note this update.

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