Report Summary
This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of INSERT YOUR DESCRIPTION OF THE PAPER.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
People Committee - 27 November 2024
Date : 27 November 2024
Location : Online
Further Detail
The format of the report is thematic with the data presented, as well as available analysis and insights, aligned to the six outcomes outlined across both the People Strategy and Strategic Workforce Plan.
The report also updates on ongoing activity detailed in our Year 1 People Strategy and Strategic Workforce Plan implementation plans presented to People Committee members in May this year. Much of the activity also aligns to the Annual Police Plan, People and Performance Plan and Policing Together Strategy implementation plan.
Activity contained within the report will also impact positively on addressing the findings and management actions articulated in the HMICS Thematic Inspection of Organisational Culture in Police Scotland December 2023 as People Cultural Indicators.
The attached report looks back at quarter two of financial year 2024-25 and Members are invited to discuss the content of this report.
The first annual Fair Work assessment set out a need to ensure the People Strategy/SWP was supported with outcome focused measures/KPIs to better enable outcome focused reporting and an evidence-based approach to prioritisation.
Positively the initial iteration of the dashboards has been developed to align measures to the strategic outcomes within the People Strategy and SWP and includes a greater focus on analysis and insight than the previous approach to reporting of workforce data. See appendix A.
As part of an iterative approach to improvement there is an ongoing focus on the need to:
• ensure full alignment between the dashboards and the workforce metrics contained within the Performance Framework, and that measures reported are the best fit for purpose,
• ensure other sources of evidence are considered alongside the workforce metrics (i.e. the need to align survey results to strategic outcomes),
• build capacity and capability within People and Development to support continuous improvement in the translation of data/evidence into meaningful insight and proposed action,
• outline and develop plans to address system related gaps/barriers preventing effective and efficient outcome focused measurement and reporting.
This work is important because it will allow for the ability to assess the extent activity is having the desired impact therefore allowing for an evidence-based assessment of policing’s delivery of Fair Work.