Report Summary
This report provides members of the Resources Committee with an overview of the new Health & Wellbeing (HWB) Plan, including measures and timelines and seeks to provide some data around HWB activity that took place in quarter two of this year.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
People Committee - 27 November 2024
Date : 27 November 2024
Location : Online
There are financial implications associated with this paper, as more investment is needed which allows for the development of the various projects and the further integration and mainstreaming of wellbeing across the organisation in a meaningful way.
As mentioned at 2.2 health and wellbeing resources and expertise will be required to achieve the plan and this is something we will approach in more detail as we enter into the imminent People and Development restructure consultation.
There are legal implications associated with this paper in that Police Scotland requires to be compliant with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. There is direct correlation between an individual’s wellbeing and their working environment. We must do everything reasonably practical to provide a safe and healthy workplace for our people.
There are reputational implications associated with this paper in that if Police Scotland/SPA do not continue to prioritise the wellbeing of our people, then staff morale and public perception may be negatively affected.
We will continue to work closely with our ED&I colleagues within the department to ensure all equalities are considered throughout our work, and when required we will complete the necessary EQHRIA process.