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Published: 19 March 2024

Public Polling - 12 March 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the findings from the latest round of public polling, carried out during January 2024 by the Diffley Partnership on behalf of the Authority. The paper also describes the next steps regarding polling and a move to incorporate qualitative research into the analytic approach in 2024-25.  

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 March 2024

Date : 12 March 2024

Location : online

Background & Context

During the period 2020 -2022 the Authority undertook a series of standalone public polling exercises, focused on gathering independent and representative data for the Scottish adult population on public confidence on a range of issues. Four separate polling exercises were undertaken during 2020-21 to gather public confidence data on the policing of the pandemic, giving useful trend data over the period. Following this, surveys were carried out to gather views on use of new and emerging technology in policing and the policing of COP26.

Building on the insights gained through previous polling, the Authority subsequently commissioned regular independent polling of a representative sample of the Scottish public, with a view to enhancing its understanding of public trust and confidence. This is aligned to the Authority’s vision of policing in the public interest, by providing a sample which is representative of the demographic profile of Scotland. The polling seeks views and levels of trust and confidence in, and support for, policing in Scotland, both in general
and related to specific areas of work.

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