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Published: 09 March 2023

Public Confidence Survey - Public Briefing - October 2021

Report Summary

A Public Briefing on confidence in policing, with a particular focus around the COVID-19 pandemic. Published in October 2021.

Views on issuing of Fixed Penalty Notices

Across the Waves, the majority of respondents were ‘Very/Fairly comfortable’ with police issuing Fixed Penalty Notices to people breaching lockdown rules in response to Covid-19.

Levels have fluctuated slightly, increasing from 85% in Wave 1 to 87% in Wave 2 and decreasing to 81% in Wave 4.

At the same time, levels of those who were ‘Fairly/Very uncomfortable’ have remained low, decreasing from 12% in Wave 1 to 10% in Wave 2, and increasing to 15% in Wave 4.

Alt text: graph 6 interpreted as follows:

Wave 1 - Very/Fairly Comfortable 85%. Fairly/Very Uncomfortable 12%. Don't Know 3%.

Wave 2 - Very/Fairly Comfortable 87%. Fairly/Very Uncomfortable 10%. Don't Know 3%.

Wave 4 - Very/Fairly Comfortable 81%. Fairly/Very Uncomfortable 15%. Don't Know 3%.

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