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Published: 19 April 2023

Project Weaver – Progress on Implementation - 1 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Forensic Services Committee with an overview of Project Weaver – Progress on Implementation.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Forensics Services Committee - 1 February 2023

Date : 01 February 2023

Location : online


Formal engagement with the Trades Unions (from both the University and SPA) along with the University of Glasgow has continued throughout the latter stages of the project via the JNCC sub group. Excellent progress has been made and the University completed formal consultation with their staff on 18th November and no issues were raised. Vetting of all the transferring staff was also completed ahead of go live and all successfully passed.

All the key HR activities for new staff were successfully completed ahead of go live such as payroll, Scope build and PSI numbers and a comprehensive EQHRIA has been also been completed, shared with Trades Unions and other parties. In addition a comprehensive staff handbook was prepared for the new staff that clearly outlines what their Terms & Conditions are and what policies apply in SPA FS and how they can access information or make claims etc. This is also been made available to all appropriate HR staff to ensure the right advice is given going forward.

A comprehensive Staff Induction Programme has also been delivered covering all aspects including information security, ICT policies, quality system, health and safety, and the site operating procedures were covered. This has proved highly successful in terms of integrating the new staff within SPA Forensic Services.

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