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Published: 23 August 2023

Procurement Strategy Review - 7 February 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Resources Committee with an overview of the Procurement Strategy Review.

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Further Detail

Current Strategy

The current approved strategy covers the period 2021 – 2023. The Procurement Strategy is publicly available on the Police Scotland internet site at the following link Whilst the current Procurement Strategy has been designed to cover a three year period, the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires that the Procurement Strategy is reviewed before the start of each financial year.

The Strategy has been reviewed by the Head of Strategic Procurement and wider procurement team and it is considered that no updates are required for the coming 23/24 financial year. In addition, Scottish Government’s policy team recently commissioned an independent third party review of published procurement strategies across the public sector and provided feedback on the SPA/PS Procurement Strategy with the summary:

“The contractor assessed the Police Scotland procurement strategy as high quality, very detailed, with all the minimum content requirements met.”

Future Strategy Development

It is intended that a new/refreshed Procurement Strategy will be developed and consulted on during 2023 for approval before 24/25 financial year.


It is recommended that members note the review has been carried out in line with statutory requirements and approve the recommendation to maintain the existing strategy for financial year 23/24. Following approval, the Head of Strategic Procurement will notify Scottish Ministers that the review has been carried out in accordance with regulatory requirements.

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