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Published: 09 October 2023

Policing Together Update Report - 29 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Policing Together Update Report. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

Policing Together Implementation Plan

Following the publication of the Policing Together Strategy in September 2022. It was recognised there were areas of crossover and duplication with the EDI Action Plan. Approval was provided at the PT SOB to subsume the action plan into the Policing Together Implementation Plan. A process of mapping and de-confliction to streamline and refine the Implementation Plan took place across key business areas. Recommendations were approved at the PT Implementation Group on 07 July 2023, successfully streamlining the Plan, removing duplication and ensuring it is manageable by departments. In addition, this has resulted in easier prioritisation and will enable more effective performance reporting internally and externally.

Appendix A presents the refined Implementation Plan capturing the work undertaken to prioritise actions, identify timescales for delivery and understand the resourcing and financial implications associated with the actions. The refined plan presents the data sets and insights available, or desirable, which will be used to measure impact of activity.

It is also recognised that areas of crossover exist with the Implementation Plan and the Joint Equality Outcomes for Policing, particularly the employment focused outcomes 5-8. Going forward, it is the intention to streamline reporting. Further assessment will be carried out in relation to this to ensure duplication is understood and alignment is clear and recorded on the 4Action System.

An early product of the SE&TM Delivery Group will be a mapping exercise to align to work streams within the wider Policing Together Implementation Plan where appropriate. This will minimise duplication of effort while ensuring a focus on SE&TM continues to be in place.

Within the VAWG strategy, there is ongoing activity and reporting which already aligns with Equality Outcome 4 - VAWG Confidence and Support.

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