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Published: 09 October 2023

Policing Together Update Report - 29 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Policing Together Update Report. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

Performance & Impact Reporting

The Policing Together Performance and Impact Group (PT P&I) will continue to consider the insights and measures available to capture and monitor the impact and outcomes of EDI activity.

The PT P&I Group have considered Police Scotland’s reporting against the Policing Together Strategy and are seeking to embed progress reporting into current established methods. The 6 monthly EDI Performance report is therefore evolving to include reporting against the Policing Together Strategy and its Implementation Plan.

The template for the newly titled Policing Together Performance Report is attached at Appendix B for discussion and feedback. The template displays the proposed layout for reporting. It will aim to enable concise, visual, impact focused reporting supported by key measures. It will comprise of updates in relation to mainstreaming and delivery against Policing Together and the Joint Equality Outcomes for Policing.

The mainstreaming section will provide key strategic updates which will be aligned to Policing Together. The 4Action system will be used to track and report high level progress against the Policing Together Implementation Plan with additional narratives being provided by exception. Key reporting against the Joint Equality Outcomes for Policing will be included to ensure ability to comply with legislative reporting requirements. All updates will be structured to cover Police Scotland commitment, actions, achievements/impact and next steps. In addition, cross referencing will be utilised to avoid duplication of updates across the various strategic outcomes.

The development and delivery of the performance report is dependent on ongoing work to improve the analysis and presentation of key data and measures. A PowerBI EDI Performance Dashboard is being developed. The dashboard will be valuable in supplementing the updates in the 6 monthly Policing Together Performance Report. The proof of concept highlighted that there are strong links with the EDI workforce monitoring dashboard being produced by Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP), as well as other interdependencies. Work is ongoing to understand the links and ensure alignment to other management information in order that a single source of data is available. Work is also ongoing to resolve current barriers in relation to access to EDI employment data and to identify data developments required to support reporting on Policing Together outcomes. In addition, the exploration of research and insights, under the PT P&I Group, which align to Policing Together will enable more enhanced benchmarking and performance management.

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