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Published: 09 October 2023

Policing Together Update Report - 29 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of Policing Together Update Report. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online



The work streams and activity being delivered under Policing Together has financial implications. There is existing expenditure associated with the IRG and the National Independent Strategic Advisory Group. The development of a human rights framework is being driven under Policing Together. A human rights lawyer and policy advisor was procured to carry out stage one baseline assessment and delivery of the recommendations outlined in the resulting report will have associated financial implications. Furthermore, individual activity in support Policing Together will have financial implications with much of the work being supported through current budgeted establishment means.


Some of the EDI activities will have an impact on personnel and the way in which the workforce currently operates. Police Scotland will proactively engage with stakeholders and staff associations to ensure a collective approach in the best interests of the workforce.


This update and the work contained within supports compliance with work related aspects of The Equality Act 2010 and The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012.


There are reputational implications. Building and maintaining a service which improves the experiences of all communities, including our own officers and staff, will positively enhance the reputation of Police Scotland.


Police Scotland’s plans are designed to further diversify the workforce by encouraging people from under-represented groups to consider a career in policing. Having a diverse workforce that is truly representative of communities will increase public confidence and legitimacy of Police Scotland.


Without a well skilled, supported and motivated workforce the confidence placed in service delivery and the legitimacy of policing communities could be compromised.


The content of this paper will positively support EDI and Human Rights in the workplace ensuring Police Scotland is accessible as an employer to all our communities.


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