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Published: 23 August 2023

Policing Together Update - 25 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of the Policing Together Update.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 25 May 2023

Date : 25 May 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow



Any financial implications would require sign off from the respective business area.


Policing Together resourcing is subject to a separate ongoing business case. The work streams outlined in this report are resourced through existing departmental budgets.


The ways in which Police Scotland meets its obligations under the Equality Act and delivers upon its public commitments to become an anti-discriminatory police service and mainstream equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the service presents risk if not achieved.


The risk to failing to fully deliver upon Police Scotland’s stated commitments in this area is amongst others, reputational.


There is a wealth of research available indicating that traditionally marginalised groups are over represented within lower social and economic classes, therefore there are significant social and economic factors to be considered.


There is significant community impact resulting from the work of the Policing Together programme as it seeks to build an anti-discriminatory police service which delivers an equitable service to members of all communities in Scotland.


Responsibility for completion of EqHRIA’s for the work outlined in this paper rests with the respective business areas.


As one of the four pillars of the Policing Together Programme, the way in which the work is communicated both internally and externally is key to successful outcomes. As described significant work is being lead in this space by Corporate Communications.

Following release of the Policing Together Strategy in September 2022 the programme has now entered the public domain. This is in addition to existing strong public interest in the ways in which public sector organisations including Police services mainstream EDI.

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