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Published: 24 January 2023

Policing in a Digital World Programme Update - 7 December 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Policing in a Digital World Programme. 

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Policing Performance Committee - 7 December 2022

Date : 07 December 2022

Location : online


Police Scotland’s Cyber Strategy 2020 ‘Keeping People Safe in a Digital World’ was approved by the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) on 30 September 2020.

In April 2022, Cyber Strategy Implementation Programme and Cyber Capabilities Programme merged to become Policing in a Digital World Programme (PWDP), under the leadership of ACC Andy Freeburn.

The PDWP aims to transform how Police Scotland respond to the evolving threat of cybercrime. The Programme will enable us to continue keeping Scotland’s people, communities, businesses and assets safe in both the physical and virtual world.

The Programme will embed a 4P’s approach to dealing with cyber related threats (Pursue, Protect, Prepare and Prevent), in line with the NPCC led ‘Team Cyber UK’ methodology.

It will enable Police Scotland to:

- Focus on an improved victim experience,

- Deliver an effective investigative response,

- Target local cybercrime prevention messaging,

- Work to identify and divert people vulnerable to embarking on cybercrime,

- Engage with businesses and organisations to help them develop effective measures to mitigate threats and risks associated with cybercrime and, where appropriate, engage in testing and exercising,

- Develop Centres of Excellence and provide guidance to the wider force, helping mainstream cyber skills and knowledge into most areas of policing.

By ensuring all officers and staff, on the frontline and in specialist roles, have the knowledge, skills, tools and support, Police Scotland will be better equipped to prevent, respond, and investigate cybercrime. We must build the workforce and tools to keep people safe in public, private and virtual spaces.