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Published: 02 October 2024

Policing in a Digital World Programme Update - 18 September 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an update on the progress and direction of the Policing in a Digital World Programme (PDWP).

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 18 September 2024

Date : 18 September 2024

Location : online


In April 2024, four Digital Forensic Triage Vans were successfully delivered to our Digital Forensic Labs.  Each van has been meticulously designed to offer a spacious and secure working environment with all the available technology to conduct onsite triage. User feedback, carried out at the conclusion of delivery, has shown increased welfare and comfort, with many appreciating the space and privacy the vans offer. Of the staff surveyed, feedback included "The Cyber Vans have had a significant positive impact on my day to day working environment" and " the van is excellent for working practice and wellbeing". Additionally, the vans’ power systems have proven remarkably efficient, with battery usage alone ensuring continuous operation without the need for external power sources. An unmeasured benefit of the vans is recorded as the opportunity for front line officers to also utilise the space, out with crime scenes, to engage with DF officers and improve the ability to discuss investigation considerations.

In May 2024 the Digital Evidence Detection Dogs project was successfully delivered. Police Scotland currently have 3 dogs, fully deployed nationally and realising the benefits described within the initial business case. The dogs are improving detections across several business areas to support the investigation of crimes and keeping people safe. As of 27th August 2024, there have been 48 deployments across 11 divisions and 145 device recoveries which include mobile phones, SIM & memory cards, cameras and tablets. Operational Support Division (OSD) are in the process of training another 3 dogs to increase the overall compliment and availability of this resource nationally.

In August 2024, Police Scotland launched its support to Police Cyber Alarm and will develop and introduce a framework for engaging and supporting local businesses to strengthen their own network resilience. We will also develop proactive engagement activities which will be specific and targeted based on intelligence and developed information as well as improving investigative capabilities and evidential capture opportunities. PDWP will continue to collaborate with Police Scotland Policing Together, Partnerships & Prevention (PTPP), using the Police Cyber Alarm technology to identify and mitigate potential weaknesses and risks, strengthening small and medium enterprise (SME) cyber resilience.

PDWP produce regular bulletins to our workforce to keep them appraised of programme developments and to seek wider engagement and understanding of programme deliverables. In support of this, PDWP are working with Cybercrime and Digital Forensics to develop the already established Cyber Champions network.   Cyber Champions, comprised of officers and staff across Police Scotland, have to date been able to assist investigations with their cyber expertise and promoted cyber related guidance within their local divisions.  Building on this, benchmarking with UK LEAs has been undertaken to understand their approach and how such cyber support roles benefit their organisations.  Expansion of regular Cyber Champions virtual sessions to over 150 officers/staff including other Police Scotland cyber related cadres, has also been important in developing this role and broadening cyber awareness within the Force. 

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