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Published: 13 November 2023

Policing and Trauma Conference – Event Summary and Next Steps

Keywords : Workforce

Report Summary

On Friday 21 April 2023, the Scottish Police Authority convened a conference on mental health and trauma in policing. This report provides a summary of the conference and the next steps. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

Next Steps

Fiona McQueen closed the event by thanking all contributors, especially those staff and officers who took to the stage to share personal experiences, and committing to the publication of an event summary which includes next steps. This will reflect some of the developing models described during the day, as well as picking up on suggestions and feedback from the roundtable discussions.

The event focused how the policing system supports frontline staff to prepare for the traumatic experiences their role presents them with and how the organisation supports them to maintain personal wellbeing and minimise the adverse impact of those experiences. The Authority and Police Scotland are working closely to development meaningful commitments focused on the wellbeing of our people.

This includes:

Putting in place, across the policing system, a whole system approach to promoting wellbeing and preventing trauma

Independent review of current systems, services and processes for supporting officer and staff wellbeing

Work with key external stakeholders to scope the end to end process for supporting officer and staff wellbeing

Building on recommendations from the forthcoming HMICS frontline focus assurance review

Continue to deliver on Royal Foundation commitments and standards

Development of the Mental Health Strategy

Investment in leadership development activity

Progressing tenders for Occupational Health and the Employee Assistance Programme

Wellbeing champions relaunch

Presentations and video inputs from the event have been published on the Authority website.

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