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Published: 13 November 2023

Policing and Trauma Conference – Event Summary and Next Steps

Keywords : Workforce

Report Summary

On Friday 21 April 2023, the Scottish Police Authority convened a conference on mental health and trauma in policing. This report provides a summary of the conference and the next steps. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People Committee - 29 August 2023

Date : 29 August 2023

Location : online

Emerging Themes

A number of key themes were gathered through the roundtable discussion at the event:

What can we learn from elsewhere?

Use academic research and insights - the wider content for trauma

Invest in training and service provision – make it everyone’s role

Need to focus on prevention and mainstream this

Taking an opportunity to ‘decompress’ after traumatic incidents

Look at adopting the question set/ checklist model used in SFRS

Introduce psychological supervision; a culture of ‘its ok not to be ok’

What currently works well?

Peer support (such as muster room chats) and welfare provision

Identifying posts likely to be higher risk to ensure appropriate supports are in place

Pockets of good practice in local policing divisions – widen this out

Little Things Campaign

Support from Police Treatment Centre

Capability manager within Forensic Services – could this roll out?

What could we improve on?

Culture can still be a challenge, especially stigma

Everyone is busy, so maybe not picking up on early signs

Put in place psychological support training for all officers and staff

Improve culture of asking colleagues ‘are you ok’?

Empower first line managers to respond in person centred ways

More training for all staff and officers, focus for line managers

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