Report Summary
A Public Briefing explaining the the police scrutiny landscape in Scotland. This Briefing provides an overview of current arrangements and context for policing scrutiny at a local, regional and national level in Scotland. Published in August 2023.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023
Date : 28 September 2023
Location : Merchants House, Glasgow
Working Together
A COSLA Police Scrutiny Conveners Forum meets twice a year. The Forum provides a valuable space for cross local boundary discussion and input on national policy issues by Elected Members. It is an opportunity for regular engagement between councillors, the Chair of the SPA and Police Scotland senior officers.
The Forum has considered a range of matters, including - but not limited to –local police planning, Brexit, the response to Covid-19 and a range of more operational issues, such as spiking and CCTV. The Forum was central to the tripartite review of Local Police Planning, participating in a series of focused workshops during the review process. Specific engagement sessions have also been delivered on key public interest issues such as use of technologies, including body worn video.
The Authority Chair and relevant regional Assistant Chief Constable Authority also host joint regional scrutiny convener meetings on a six-monthly basis, with councillors engaging in thematic and topical discussion across the three local policing regions of Scotland. These sessions review national support and specialist functions to provide information and engage with convenors on the value to delivery of services to local policing.